Satellites revolve around Planets and Planets around the Sun. The Sun revolves around the centre of Milky Way Galaxy. This is ORBITAL REVOLUTION of astronomical bodies resulted by RETRACTION FORCE.

Centre of our Galaxy consist massive non-stellar body, which exert force of GRAVITATION. Stars exert REPULSION. Stars REPEL while Galactic Central Body (GCB) ATTRACTS. Therefore, neither stars escape out of galaxy by own REPULSION nor collide upon GCB by GRAVITATION. However, remain in their orbit at mean constant distance from GCB. Resulted RETRACTION force by interaction of Stellar Repulsion and GCB Gravitational force keeps stars in Revolution and Rotation (spinning).

Retraction force (RTF) acts on stars in ratio proportional to their DENSITY: REVOLUTION is owing to RTF and RTF ? DENSITY. Therefore, ORBITAL VELOCITY OF THE SUN IS PROPORTIONAL TO ITS DENSITY:
a D : D x 18.5 = Velocity of the Sun in Miles per Second: 18.5 is constant = Earth
: 14.66 x 18.5 = 271.22 MILES PER SECOND:
a D
: D x 29.8 = Velocity of the Sun in Kilometre per sec. 29.8 is constant = Earth Velocity.
: 1466 x 29.8 = 436.87 KLM’s PER SECOND
So, the Sun having DENSITY of 14.66, REVOLVE around the GCB at VELOCITY of 271.22 Miles or 436.87 Kilometres per second.

1. For first time in history of Science, we have possible to predict the ORBITAL VELOCITY of the Sun with absolute accuracy based on Astromatics of DVdT. There is no any mathematical formula in Old Science to calculate VELOCITY of the Sun.

2. Present assumed Orbital Velocity by old Science theories is 250 Kilometre per second. This assumption is wrong and need correction as 437 Kilometre per second or 271 Miles per second.

3. Old Science believes that up to now, the Sun has encircled the CGB for only 20 times. But this is wrong. The Sun encircled the CGB 36 times and now entered in 37th “Galactic Year”.

4. The Sun is normal Star with Density of 14.66. But, there are Stars having greater Density and so greater orbital velocities in our Milky Way Galaxy.

5. Large Stars revolve at lower Velocity than smaller Stars.

6. Stars generally revolve around the centre of galaxy at ratio, which is inversely proportional to square root of their radius. V α 1⁄√R= D = V. So, by observing RADIUS, Density and Velocity can be computed with accuracy.